Transportation System – manage expeditors processing system & manifest
Intercompany Settlement
Carrier & Service provider Outstanding (RI Submission & Settlement), PNC, Network Notification & Closure
Tracking /Delay Report
Revenue Recognition - Event Mngt
Processing -MAWB/Hard Link/Label/Planning Script/FRD/ECS/TSF/Protection Report
Planning Sheet/Circulation/On-hand Sheet Uploading – As per expeditors guideline
Weight Amendment - AWB revision
Shipping Bill Upload
Repacking at Warehouse/Airport
Shipping Bill Follow Up from CHA/3rd Party CHA/Warehouse/Transporter
Carting Order/TC/Vehicle Load & Unload/Truck In
Consol Pouch - Paperless Matrix (LATAM Rated HAWB+ 15 Dest)
Amendment Tracker (Manifest, SB) / EGM / DGFT Tracker
Shipment Handover – Carrier
Intercompany Settlement
Carrier & Service provider Outstanding (RI Submission & Settlement), PNC, Network Notification & Closure
- Timely response - email, telephonic, social app (if preferred).
- Monthly review with service provider, carrier and record in CRM with action plan (if any).
- Escalate/Report the process gap, potential issue (if any).
- P & L Check and notify if any pricing revision required.
- Discuss about the Air market intel with service provider, carrier.
- Keep developing your decision-making skills and share your knowledge, experience during the team meeting.
- Participate actively in Team Huddle meeting to achieve department’s shared vision.
Contact us:- +91-44-66070300 , +91-44-66073200